SAHP Policy Sheet | PGN



Approved by High Command, Written By Commander Chris James

Policies Adopted: 04/17/2022


Policy #

Policy Title


Ranking Policy


Patrol Logs


Uniform Standards


Vehicle Standards


Transfer Standards




Armor and Vest Policy


Tobacco and Alcohol Usage Policy


Use of Force Policy


Pursuit Intervention Tactics


Chain of Command Policy


Academy / Training Policy


Radio Policy


Professionalism Standards


LOA Policy


Ride-Along Standards


Civilian Ride-Along Policy


Jurisdictional Standards


Off-Duty Standards


Miranda Rights Policy


Relaxed Friday

#01 - Ranking Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                          Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

The ranking structure here within the San Andreas Highway Patrol goes as below. The ranking structure is there for a reason so utilize your supervisors and your Chain of Command.

High Command:            Command Bureau:            Supervisory Bureau:               Patrol Bureau:

Colonel                              Captain                                 Sergeant First Class                     Master Trooper

Lt. Colonel                         Lieutenant                             Sergeant                                      Trooper First Class

Major                                                                              Corporal                                       Trooper

Commander                                                                    Probationary Corporal

#02 - Patrol Logs

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                          Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

With being in the San Andreas Highway Patrol the purpose of being employed as a Fulltime Active Trooper is to submit the monthly quota for the department. The Supervisory Bureau ensures that the troopers follow the minimum hour guideline being 15 hours a month as a minimum. Patrol logs have been and will be required for these purposes, therefore the following guidelines must be followed by all of the members within SAHP.

  • All Troopers employed by the SAHP must register and log their Name without Callsign on the Patrol Log Form with their own timezone. This must be done through the SAHP Patrol Log Google Form being First Name () Ex. Chris James
  • Formatting your name should always be done perfectly and not be in-correct. If you submit a patrol log where your First and Last Name is incorrect, it won’t properly log on the Information Database, which is your fault.
  • If it is noticed by the Command and Supervisory Bureau that you are lying and not registering trustworthy information about your hours, disciplinary actions will be taken.
  • At the end of each month, the Human Resources Team will go through everyone that is below the minimum hour requirement clocked on the roster. If you are below the 15 hour requirement on the roster and are not actively exempted by LOA or Auxiliary, you will be terminated from the department.

#03 - Uniform Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Male Hair Standards: On-Duty uniformed patrol units shall keep their hair in a professional manner. The hair shall be at least moderately tapered; shall not extend below the top of the shirt collar for what shirt they are wearing, nor should it touch any portion of their ears and not be a problem to vision in any way shape or form. Hair should also be a natural color. Usual Colors used are Black, Gray, Brown, and Blonde.

Female Hair Standards: On-duty uniformed patrol units shall keep their hair in a professional manner. The hair shall be in a bun or restrained above the collar not touching it or going beneath it. Hair should also be a natural color. Usual Colors used are Black, Gray, Brown, and Blonde.

Mustaches and Beards: A short and neatly trimmed mustache and beard is required to maintain the professionalism the department upholds with the Uniform Standards. The mustache shall not exceed below the vermilion border of the upper lip or corners of the trooper's mouth. Troopers should have a natural color beard and mustache if having one, and be professionally trimmed and neat in style.

Jewelry/Accessories: Most types of earrings and necklaces are not able to be worn / used whilst being in uniform on-duty. Sunglasses and watches are okay to be worn but must match uniform colors. If you are choosing to wear gloves on-duty then the gloves MUST be black in color and cover your WHOLE hand to ensure all evidence is being properly handled.

Campaign Hats: Troopers of the department are required to wear the Campaign hat with any outfit you wear, as long as it's marked. If you are a detective or undercover unit, you don’t need to wear the campaign hat.

#04 - Vehicle Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Having a vehicle from the motorpool of the SAHP is not a right, it's a privilege. We assign vehicles to everyone based on their trust within the department. Vehicles can be damaged, stolen, blown up, etc. The following requirements / guidelines are put into place for the better of the department and the budgeting that comes into play with it.

  • Troopers are to ALWAYS make sure that their vehicle is LOCKED at all times when out of the vehicle and doing foot patrol, or on a scene on foot. This is to ensure that their vehicle isn’t stolen from any civilians or suspects nearby that may be attempting to steal it, all vehicles are around $50,000 that will come out of your paycheck if stolen.
  • If you lose your vehicle whilst on active duty and it is your fault then a disciplinary action will be assigned to the trooper that lost the vehicle. If there are any head problems with the situation, then it’ll be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • There are obviously exemptions to letting your vehicle get stolen. If you're being held at gunpoint or anything that can be a harm to your life, you obviously have no choice but to give them your car as you don’t want to make any movements. Making a movement such as driving away or drawing your firearm at them will result in the bodily injury of yourself or the public, which will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
  • Troopers are allowed to get their vehicle repaired at local mechanic shops, or the stational mechanic that works at the Main Headquarters, 723.
  • Members of the Command Team (Lieutenant and Up) are able to patrol using unmarked vehicles, and unmarked outfits. They’re unmarked vehicles must match their motorpool vehicle they have, however the License Plate is to be a Civilian Plate, just including their Badge Number somewhere in it.
  • Troopers are able to request another vehicle after 1 week (7 Days) after receiving the vehicle. No exemptions to this.
  • Troopers are required to change their vehicle after the 14 days IF they are currently using a Ghosted Vehicle. Troopers are NOT able to have 2 ghosted vehicles back to back.

#05 - Transfer Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Anyone that is currently within the San Andreas Highway Patrol is eligible to transfer out of the department and or into the department at an inbound transfer.

  • If you are transferring OUT of the department, you simply just need to open a ticket in #open-a-ticket in the SAHP Discord Hub and have a member of the Support Services assist you and they’ll get you situated.
  • If one does transfer out of the department on an Active DA, (promotion probation, probation, strike and verbal warnings), then they are going to be blacklisted from re-joining the department for a minimum of 30 day(s) and not able to come back until the blacklist is over.
  • If you are transferring IN to the department, you will be asked to make a ticket in the SAHP Discord. After a ticket is made, A Support Member will ask you to type your reasoning of why you are interested in transferring and what department you are coming from. Please keep in mind, HR can deny your transfer for any reason they deem appropriate.
  • ALL Laterals and Supervisor transfers, MUST be approved by a Department High Command Member, and no one else.
  • If you are a Full Time SAHP Trooper wanting to transfer to Full Time Civilian, and Reserve SAHP then you are able to do that.
  • You simply open a ticket and tell them your situation and why you're wanting to go reserve SAHP and full time Civilian.
  • As an Auxiliary Trooper, you don’t have to log any hours within the department and are exempt from all activity quotas and requirements.
  • Other departments more than likely will attempt to reach out to a SAHP Supervisory Member about any past Disciplinary Action Records or anything that's active against them. More than likely, if you're on a harsh DA and wanting to transfer out, you might get denied from the department wanting to be transferred to.
  • If you are a Cadet actively employed by the SAHP, you are not eligible to submit a transfer out of the department or into the department. If you are going to end up leaving to another department whilst in the Probationary / Training Phase then you will be blacklisted from the department for a set duration.

#06 - Confidentiality

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Anything that is discussed within a ticket that has been created by a trooper shall not be discussed to anyone in the department other than a supervisor.

All tickets stay confidential on the supervisor part, and the person opening the ticket should also do the same.

All ticket transcripts are to be private and not held / released to the public , if so there is grounds for termination from the SAHP.

If a supervisor verbally discusses something with you about anything supervisory related, it shall stay private and not be told to troopers or any department members below the rank of Corporal.

#07 - Armor and Vest Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

When it comes to armor and officer safety, troopers must be informed of the use of force policy and the dangerous situations that can come into play whilst being on-duty as a Uniformed Trooper.

  • The SAHP offers a decent amount of vests that can be worn whilst doing certain situations (Check SOP for vests).
  • If you are killed during any type of scene, and your armor is properly set, you are not allowed to revive by any circumstances, otherwise, this will be considered as fail roleplay and be disciplined by the Supervisory Team on PGN.
  • On Normal Uniformed Patrol Units, Vests are to NOT be used by any unit in any circumstance for normal patrol operations. The only way that a vest should be worn is in ANY tactical situation such as Robberies, Barricaded Situations, Hostage Situations, Shots Fired.
  • Another way that a Vest will be used, is by a Supervisor by the rank of Corporal + placing a Mandatory Vest Order In-Effect for the time being. If a supervisor places this order in effect, ALL Troopers should wear a vest under no circumstances shall they not. If a trooper is seen without a vest while an order is in place, disciplinary action will be taken.

#08 - Tobacco and Alcohol Usage Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Troopers are to always set high standards within the department and to the public, therefore when it comes to the standards of the public and the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products, they always maintain a professional manner, resulting that the troopers follow what's listed below:

  • The consumption of cigarettes and cigars are restricted to be used under the following circumstances:
  • Troopers are NOT able to smoke in any sort of professional setting or expected professional interaction with civilians or other departments.
  • Troopers may NOT smoke while performing any lawful action or action that relates to their duties as a law enforcement official.
  • Troopers may NOT smoke in their patrol vehicle at all, under no circumstances.
  • When troopers are smoking, they are to attempt to avoid highly populated areas within City/County limits.

  • The consumption of alcohol is prohibited whilst being on-duty in an official law enforcement capacity. Troopers are only allowed to drink water and coffee products whilst on-duty. If a trooper is caught consuming alcohol while on-duty, disciplinary action will be taken.

Within the San Andreas Highway Patrol Command Bureau, we advise our troops against smoking as it may cause problems with your long term health and safety precautions. Smoking is at your own RISK. If it begins to affect your ability to perform, and this policy is abused then disciplinary action will be taken, which can lead to a Departmental Termination.

#09 - Use of Force Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Whilst being a Trooper of the San Andreas Highway Patrol, it is important to recognize the importance of your weapons and utilities while in uniform.

  • You must go through the Use of Force Steps and Tree to end or resolve a situation efficiently and safely.
  • You have more options than you think you have. Your voice, Hands on Control, Baton, Taser, and your Lethal Weapons.
  • It is up to the discretion of the trooper of what level of force to use during a certain situation.

Keep in mind that the Use of Force Policy is probably the most important and enforced policy within the department. In-correct Use of Force may result in your termination from the department, or harsh disciplinary action taken.

See Diagram Below on Next Page for the Use of Force Continuum.

#10 - Pursuit Intervention Tactics

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Starting with the Pursuit Intervention Tactics they can be very dangerous and risky maneuvers at any time that they are conducted. Pursuit Intervention Tactic is essentially meaning a P.I.T Maneuver which many may know. A P.I.T Maneuver is to be used at very good circumstances and for threats to the public.

  • The Trooper must notify the rest of the Radio Channel of the Weather Conditions, Traffic/Speed Conditions, and to let them all know they are going in for a P.I.T Maneuver on the suspect.
  • A Supervisor of ANY department is able to deny a PIT over the radio if they deem it not necessary / or not good conditions.
  • Please consider the reason that the Supervisor of another department is asking you to stand down for P.I.T. as it can be a valid reasoning.
  • It is important that the primary unit that is performing the maneuver on the vehicle is to follow through with the maneuver and not stop half-way through doing it.
  • Take into account all the vehicles that are operated on public roadways that may not be used for the maneuver:
  • Bicycles, Motorcycles, Golf Carts, or any vehicle that has a hostage inside or contained within.
  • PIT Maneuvers must not be conducted against semi-trucks or any heavy type of vehicles unless a Bearcat is used by a Member of the SWAT Team here in the SAHP.
  • Any Vehicle that is not listed over here does not mean it can be intervened, it must be analyzed closely and approved if possible by a Supervisor of the SAHP.
  • All Troopers are required to set a 2 Minute P.I.T. timer over the radio before going in for a PIT on the vehicle.         
  • If the suspect is violent, or shooting then the PIT timer is able to be excluded from the pursuit, and able to PIT whenever.

Always have common sense when conducting P.I.T Maneuvers and ask a Supervisor if they think a PIT is necessary.

#11 - Chain of Command Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

COC (Chain of Command), is a very big thing that is disregarded within the department and pushed aside unknowingly. The Chain of Command is here for a reason and is to be used at all times. The use of COC is required, and is meant to the appropriate rank to ask a question, and not go straight to a command member or High Command member.

  • If you have a question, you must ask a Master Trooper first. If none of them can give you an answer, then you can reach the first rank in the Supervisor Team, which would be Corporal, and so on.
  • Skipping a rank because a command or high command member is verbally talking to you is still not acceptable, and not exempted.
  • If you skip a rank, you will be disciplined. Especially Pinging Command Staff Or High Command, you will be striked more than 95% of the time.
  • If you have a question, utilize the Ticket System within the Discord. Please refrain from private messaging supervisors or a member that is high in the chain of command.

#12 - Academy / Training Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

When it comes to training within the San Andreas Highway Patrol, there are multiple guidelines and requirements that must be met for training and being a cadet.

  • A cadet has 14 day(s) to complete the Training Phase within the department or they will face termination.
  • If a cadet has a valid excuse that is holding them back from completing the Training Period then they must contact a Sergeant + to acknowledge the situation and take assessment.
  • An Academy Instructor reserves the right to remove a cadet from the training period for any time for any reason.
  • If you are late to a training then you will have to catch the next one on the departmental schedule and at the earliest convenience of the Academy Instructors.

#13 - Radio Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Radio communication between all Law Enforcement Agencies is a key thing to have and possess. Having the ability to communicate with other departments and your own department of San Andreas Highway Patrol for any in-field occurrences is key.

  • ALL Radio Communications are to remain professional at all times, no laughing, joking around, unnecessary chatter, and/or, obscene language.
  • Keep the cursing to a minimum within the Radio Channels.
  • There are to be no people eating or drinking something whilst talking on the radio, which can cause delay in radio communication.
  • All radio transmissions should have about 3-4 seconds in between each transmission to keep the radio clear and clean without any other distractions.

If any radio communication policies are to be broken and a report is submitted about any radio etiquette, disciplinary action will be handed out accordingly on a case-by-case basis.

#14 - Professionalism Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

As an active employee of the SAHP, you actively represent and build the public interest of our department at all times. This means that you are expected to remain professional and mature at all times. Obviously, our main goal here is to have fun but you should be keeping and holding the standards of professionalism high, and messing around to a minimum.

If you are messing around on-duty and fooling around, or pretty much do anything unprofessional, it will result in a disciplinary action by the Supervisory Bureau.

Command Bureau will start to tell you to “lock it up” and pretty much hold the high standard of a trooper and law enforcement officer with no messing around.

If you are requested for your badge number or name, you MUST provide it. This can be in training, actually on the field, or anything. Once you are requested for it, You must provide it.

#15 - LOA Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Obviously, there are going to be moments for the members of the department that are going to delay their time with being able to meet the monthly quota. If you are not able to go-on duty and submit patrol logs for a minimum of 2 weeks, then you must file an LOA if they meet the requirements below,

  • Must be employed by the SAHP for a minimum of 30 day(s).
  • Have a valid reason for your LOA when asked by a Human Resources Supervisor.
  • If it's private, you may DM a member of High Command about it, preferably Major before the rest of the High Command.
  • Do not request an LOA that exceeds 45 days. So 1 Month and 15 days.
  • There are a few exemptions to the guidelines that are above:
  • Troopers may request LOA within 30 days of being accepted If the reason(s) are urgent and need to be gone on LOA for.
  • Troopers may also request an LOA that exceeds the 45 days IF the reason(s) are urgent.
  • Urgent Reasons:
  • Gone on Active Deployment within IRL
  • Family or Marriage Status or Issues
  • Having Mental Problems / Issues
  • Injured / in Hospital

If you are on a Active Leave of Absence, and you are caught on the server then you will be removed from your LOA and back to normal duties, without being notified.

You aren’t able to patrol whilst on active LOA and must be on their leave whilst given the date of end to the Supervisor.

If you wish to go LOA you need to submit it in the #loa-request channel, or open a ticket. You may NOT directly message a supervisor or human resources about your LOA.

#16 - Ride-Along Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Troopers are allowed to have ride alongs at any time while on patrol with one another. Troopers can only ride along with other troopers in the department, and not other agencies. Divisions cannot conflict. For example; Detectives cannot ride with normal patrol units.

Troopers doing ride alongs must call out their 10-12, including both badge numbers of the troopers involved. Cars must identify themselves as their plate. Example; “501 and 502 are now going to be in an active 10-12, now shown as HP 001.” The maximum troopers allowed per vehicle is two.

#17 - Civilian Ride-Along Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Trooper First Classes and above are allowed to conduct civilian ride alongs. Civilians are considered Cadets in civilian clothing, or actual civilians. All civilians are required to sign proper documentation at either station by the SAHP. This documentation is a contract that states the civilian participant agrees to waive the ability for the civilian to sue the department for any risk, injury, damage to property, or possible death that may occur on the ride along.

Civilians are not allowed to have firearms, weapons, and/or illegal materials on them at any portion of the ride along. The Civilian cannot have any previous criminal record that involves an arrest. A copy of these documents will be given to the civilian for a record and the original kept at the station. All civilians must wear an unmarked vest without any equipment or law enforcement markings.

Troopers may not take the civilians in any high risk situations , such as possible pursuits, shots fired , warrant services, or any duties that may involve a great risk to the civilians’ life. There shall not be more than one civilian in a vehicle at any circumstances.

#18 - Jurisdictional Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

The San Andreas Highway Patrol has jurisdiction over the entirety of San Andreas and surrounding ports and waters.

The SAHP has access to both Radio Channels 12 and 13 for Los Santos Frequencies and Blaine County Frequencies. SAHP has primary jurisdiction over the Highways of San Andreas such as Great Ocean Highway, Senora Highway, Palomino Highway, Olympic Fwy, La Puerta Fwy, and Elysians Fields Fwy.

All the freeways listed above are the MAIN highways that SAHP has full jurisdiction over, over the other law enforcement agencies.

You are not REQUIRED to Patrol Highways, but you are strongly encouraged to patrol them.

#19 - Off-Duty Standards

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

Personnel of the San Andreas Highway Patrol are obviously allowed to roleplay as their character only if the requirements below are agreed with and met.

  • A Reserve or Full Time member within the Civilian Department.
  • Agrees to Not Break Any Laws, State and Federal
  • Agrees to take any disciplinary actions within your departmental status that were caused by roleplaying as a civilian within the server.
  • Follow all the SAHP Policies and Standard Operating Procedures, as well as the Standards with the Civilian Department.

#20 - Miranda Rights Policy

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 04/24/2022

All troopers and personnel of the San Andreas Highway Patrol must take the following into account:

  • MUST read miranda rights before any Criminal Related Questions are being asked that can incriminate himself. If rights are NOT read, and they give you a bunch of information it is inadmissible in court.
  • Troopers are NOT required to read the miranda rights at the time of the arrest. They are only required to be read during interrogations / witness questionnaires.

The Miranda Rights are as follows:


“You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have the attorney present during questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand these rights as I explained them to you?”


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney at any point in time during questioning, if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you at free cost. Do you understand the rights I’ve stated to you?”

#21 - Relaxed Friday

From: San Andreas Highway Patrol High Command                                                                       Status: Active

To: Troopers of the SAHP                                                                                       Date of Creation: 11/14/2022

All troopers of the San Andreas Highway Patrol are allowed to follow the following procedures, every FRIDAY of each week:

  • Able to use ANY motor pool vehicle, OTHER than Ghosted.
  • For License Plates you will use the following:
  • HP (Callsign),
  • Ex: (HP 501)
  • You are able to use Lightbar, or Slicktop. Ghosted is NOT available UNLESS you are motorpooled to a ghosted vehicle, then you can use your ghosted vehicle.

San Andreas Highway Patrol
Department Policies