San Andreas Highway Patrol FTO RA Guide

     San Andreas Highway Patrol

                                   Ride along Guide

This document is intended to provide the necessary information needed to conduct a normal ride along with a cadet. Please follow guidelines at all times and contact a supervisor with any questions related to it.

       Purpose of the FTO Ridealong

The purpose of the FTO ridealong is to gauge the cadets ability to operate alone on patrol. As they have passed the initial ridealong, they should have an understanding of the department's SOP’s, standards, common sense, and demonstrate professional interactions with the community. Additionally, they must demonstrate safe operation of the patrol vehicle on all three response codes.

                                      Creation Date: 3/23/2022

         Latest Edit: 3/23/2022

The information in this document is for the San Andreas Highway Patrol and the ProGamerNetwork. This document may not be disseminated to anyone outside the group who has not been approved as a member of PGN or the department. Any member found to be giving this out will receive discipline.


 Conducting the Ridealong

When a cadet reaches the FTO ridealong stage of the recruitment process, they will post a ridealong request in the designated discord channel. As an FTO, you should be always checking this channel for requests. If a request is posted, you are to contact the individual and decide a meeting location and time.

Please make sure that the request is deleted once it is fulfilled to keep the channel organized.

For the FTO ridealong, the cadet is to be operating the vehicle at all times. They are also not to be left alone without your supervision. However, as the purpose of the ridealong is to gauge the ability of the cadet, they are to be responsible for all RTO traffic, and operation of the CAD system. They must demonstrate proper radio procedures and efficient communication skills in order to pass.  The FTO is to primarily observe the cadet and allow them to handle every interaction, but assist when needed.



  Grading the ridealong

Throughout the ridealong, you should be paying attention to a number of things which will influence your decision of whether or not they passed.

-Safe operation of the motor vehicle

-Knowledge of EVOC and code 1-3 response tactics

-Pursuit driving/callouts(if possible)

-Knowledge of police procedures

-Radio Operations

-Lethal/Non-lethal force

-General interactions with the public

-Common sense

-Knowledge of the CAD

All of the above subjects will decide the outcome of the ridealong. If you deem that the cadet does not have an understanding of the above areas, the ridelong is to be failed and they are to either return to academy or repeat the ridealong, contact a supervisor to make this decision.

After the ridealong, you are to post a log in the proper discord channel, and given the outcome, have the cadet request the RA role to be removed in the role-request channel.